Who should join Boydy in the Futures team?
We'll take it as read that the Killie striker will lead the line, but who are the main contenders to join him?
Gary MacDonald is the last Killie player to play in a "B" international, but he is currently out of contention, but I believe that Steven Naismith is worthy of a start at Rugby Park next Tuesday night. Alan Combe may also earn a place in goal, although he may be deemed to old at 30.
Hibs' Scott Brown and Steven Whittaker will almost certainly play while Derek Riordan may nudge Naisy out of the first XI.
Central defence may also offer a surprise squad inclusion for Gordon Greer, who has improved under Jim Jefferies, and there are few obvious selections.
Certainly a healthy home contingent may boost the crowd on the same night as Rangers' vital Champions League tie.