their is no doubt you have done a excellent job over the 5 years you have been at Killie, but your team is now stale along along with your tactics and your excuses are wearing thin. Jim thanks for the job you have done for us but please go your time is up, 90 + minutes of football at home and only 1 shot on target you have totally lost the plot and lost the players, do the decent thing and resign
The stats don't lie Jim, 1 win in 13 games is relegation material in anyone's eyes and that is what i fear will happen if you are allowed to continue the stewardship of our club, if we do get relegated then i fear for the survival of Scotland's oldest "Professional" football club we simply cannot afford to be relegated, i reiterate do the decent thing Mr Jefferies and resign
while you are at it please take Jamie Moffat and Micheal Johnston along with you as Jamie Moffat's total mismanagement of Killie in a boardroom level has led to the finnancial mess that strickens Kilmarnock Fc